Tony to take on 100 Mile Challenge for Charity!
Tony is kindly taking on a walking challenge - which covers 105 miles and over 35 amateur rugby clubs in Bristol - in an attempt to raise funds for us at the Charity! He is a former Nailsea & Backwell Rugby Football Club player, captain and coach himself. Nailsea is just one of over 35 rugby clubs he will be visiting across the challenge, but is where his challenge will finish on March 4th. Tony plans to walk nearly continuously from Thursday, March 2nd to complete the challenge in time for their usual Saturday fixture. He has chosen to raise funds for SFC due to his association with Cheryl and Ian Reed. Cheryl tragically lost her life due to cancer last year, but both were, and continue to be, hugely supportive figures to local rugby. Tony wishes to honour her memory by supporting her favourite Charity. As Tony himself said: "My association with Ian and Cheryl is that I coached their son Joe. Ian and Cheryl quickly became a hugely supportive couple to the age group with Ian bringing a life time of rugby experience and Cheryl bringing a life time of saying how it is! As soon as I heard she had supported a charitable organisation I knew that I wanted to do something in her memory and to show Ian that I and others give a shit!"
Should you wish to kindly donate to his cause you can do so by clicking here. We would like to thank Tony once again for choosing to fundraise for us and look forward to sharing his success soon!